Gratitude: One aspect of personal growth in kids


There has been a lot of information written about the importance of character development and it's role in school curriculum. Once thought to be considered solely a parental responsibility, character development plays an important role in teaching across public, parochial and private education. 

How do we raise children that don't just say thank you, but mean it too? How do we as parents and educators combat the social and factors that can lead to entitlement, immediacy and materialism? Many psychologists and educational scholars say that establishing " an attitude of gratitude" in homes and schools can help our youth recognize and appreciate gratitude around them. The focus is to provide children and teens with the opportunity to lead lives of "inward richness." 

With school starting just around the corner, there are some tips that parents and teachers can do to help make this year one of appreciation and gratitude!

1. Think about the values that you are modelling as a family. Reaching out to do even small community outreach as a family, will serve as a great model for children.

2. Teachers of even young children can teach students to critique advertisements.

3. Journal about positive events in your life. This is a great idea for home and school!

4. Help your children experience wonder, awe and deep beauty. Nature and museums are just some ways that help open children's eyes and minds to the vastness of life. 

You may wish to chat with your child's teacher this September and talk about ways that parents and teachers together can nurture gratitude.



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