Did you know?
Great App for Blocking and Controlling Wifi!
Whether your child is 5 or 15, parents are concerned about the use of WiFi at home, especially during family or homework times. Most adolescents I work with comment that it is hard for them to have the self-control to know when to turn off WiFi.
New Year, New Term and New Study Skills!
Some students are quite anxious about the return to school next week. Many students, in grade 7-12 struggle with study skills. In my practice, I often help students "recover" from feelings of failure and generally feeling overwhelmed with independent study requirements.
Gratitude: One aspect of personal growth in kids
There has been a lot of information written about the importance of character development and it's role in school curriculum. Once thought to be considered solely a parental responsibility, character development plays an important role in teaching across public, parochial and private education.
Does Your Preschooler Behave Differently at Home and at School?
This article clearly describes the often different temperaments parents and teachers observe in preschool and kindergarten children. It is common for your child to be focused and well-socialized at school, then "fall apart" when they get home. Adversely, many children have difficulty for various reasons sustaining their behaviour and focus during the school day.
Making that School Choice- Helpful Tips for Divorced Parents
This is the time of year when many parents are filled with angst as they have to make the final decisions about where their child will attend school in the fall. It is not surprising that for some parents, there is as much stress when choosing a kindergarten as there is for selecting a college or university for your adolescent.
The Fraser Institute- What Does it Mean When Choosing a School?
Many parents have been paying close attention to the Fraser Institute School Ranking. The Fraser Institute is an independent, research and educational organization based in Canada. They publish peer-reviewed research into economic and public policy, including taxation, government spending, health care, school performance and trade. They use a variety of methodologies to measure data.
My Child Has Problems with Executive Functioning- What is It?
While awareness of cognitive Executive Functioning is not new, it is a fairly new term to many parents and educators. Many children, adolescents and adults are diagnosed with problems in Executive Functioning by a psychologist or psychiatrist. There are many other learning and/or cognitive issues that often interfere with a person's Executive Functioning, such as Learning Disabilities, ADHD, ASD, OCD and others. The following checklist defines several key areas of Executive Functioning.
Changes to the Ontario Sex Education Curriculum
Sex education has always been an educational "hot potato!" The Ontario Ministry of Education plans to launch an updated sex ed curriculum in the fall of this year. Yesterday, Premier Wynne announced that teaching important issues of consent and healthy relationships will be an integral part of the curriculum.
Is my child ready for kindergarten?
Across the country, the starting age for kindergarten varies. In the public education system in Ontario, a child must be 4 years of age before December 31 of the starting school year. Many parents are questioning whether their children are ready to start school, especially those children with a December birthday.
Helping children and teens cope with tragic, world events
There isn't anyone who hasn't been profoundly touched by the recent terrorism in Paris. This situation is unfortunately, only one example of how violence touches our lives, globally. As much as adults struggle to make sense of the chaos, our children and teens are even more vulnerable to these events.
School Board Policies On Concussion
The Ministry of Education has recently released an important policy, ( #158), which outlines the expectations that every school board establish the development and implementation of this policy.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
It is the time of year when parents will be receiving report cards from their child's school. It is often a time of anxiety and worry for many families. Children and teens can be reluctant to talk about problems identified on a report card for fear of disappointing their parents.
Choices For High School- How Do I Choose?
At this time of the school year, parents of grade 8 students become concerned and anxious about which high school their child should attend. Whether your child attends public, independent or parochial school, the choices can feel overwhelming to parents and students alike.
Recent study information- ADHD and Exercise
There is an abundance of information about ADD/ADHD that is available to parents and educators. One recent study from Harvard psychiatrist and author John Raley, suggests that physical activity is particularly important for kids and adolescents who have trouble staying focused.
The Gender Gap in Reading
As the school year is unfolding, you may find that your son is struggling with reading, or simply showing disinterest. Across North America, boys are trailing behind girls in reading. There has been, and continues to be, much research and attention focused on this very important issue.