School Board Policies On Concussion

The Ministry of Education has recently released an important policy, ( #158), which outlines the expectations that every school board establish the development and implementation of this policy.

This memorandum applies to all publicly funded school, including extended day care programs operated by school boards for full-day kindergarten. 

The Ministry of Education is committed to promoting awareness of safety in schools and recognizes that all partners in educatation, including school staff, students and parents play an important role in understanding and promoting healthy and safe environments for all students.

Research states that a concussion can have a significant and potentially long-term impact on a student- cognitively, emotionally, socially and physically. The policy supports the knowledge, skills and attitudes of parents and school communities regarding concussion prevention, as well as establishing a "return to learn" process.

Parents are encouraged to ask their school principal, be it independent, public or parochial  about their concussion policy. For more detailed information , parents can visit the Ministry of Education website or go to Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines


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