Helping children and teens cope with tragic, world events


There isn't anyone who hasn't been profoundly touched by the recent terrorism in Paris. This situation is unfortunately, only one example of how violence touches our lives, globally. As much as adults struggle to make sense of the chaos, our children and teens are even more vulnerable to these events. 

This segment, on Global's The Morning Show, is a useful guideline when talking to our children about terrifying, world events. If you or your child's teacher are concerned that he/she is experiencing ongoing anxiety or worry, please consult with your health care provider, therapist, or school social worker.

 The following books are very helpful resources for parents. Let us all hope for more peaceful days ahead.

1. Why Do We Fight? Conflict, War and Peace- Niki Walker

2. Just Because It's Not Wrong It Doesn't Make It Right- Barbara Coloroso

3. After the Storm- Healing After Trauma, Tragedy and Terror- Kendall Johnson

For more parent resources, contact Parentbooks at



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